Splendors Of The Sea
by Helen George
When you stand on the cliff and gaze out at the sea,
Your eye will behold splendors, a vast potpourri,
Waves may be heaving as in a tumultuous storm,
Or resting in calm, with their beauty transformed.
Far out on the horizon, your eye may be drawn
To great ships passing by that in minutes are gone,
Closer to shore, the gathering force of the waves,
Sends them spuming and crashing to a rocky grave.
Seagulls cry out in song as they skim the white crests,
Such a gathering of birds must surely impress,
Then a gray whale may suddenly rise to the top,
'Ere he dives, he coyly gives his fluke a great plop.
You might stay a long time, mesmerized by the sea,
Lost in your thoughts while enjoying the breeze,
The sea's hypnotic charm exerts a powerful pull,
And you drink in her splendor until you are full.
6 Jun 2008 Written