20 June 2008

The Corner Grocery
by Helen George

I remember the corner grocery
at the end of the street where we lived,
once a week you shopped at the big A & P,
in between whatever was needed
you got from the corner grocery.

It was a time when groceries
were delivered right to your door
by a guy named Big Sam
who doffed his hat and said "Ma'am,"
and you tipped him a dollar or two.

The corner grocery was stocked complete,
you could purchase all manner of things,
what you purchased was tallied in a little book,
and you paid at the end of the week.

It was a neighborhood store so you
knew everyone and everyone also knew you,
but the owner didn't tolerate kids under his feet
and didn't hesitate to tell us to shoo,
unless we were buying and then decide quickly
for his patience was not very strong.

I spent lots of time in this old store,
stopped every day on the way home from school,
and the memories can still bring a smile,
though the old corner grocery is now passe,
yesteryear's scene, no longer in style.

1 comment:

  1. 20 Jun 2008 Written for Wild Poetry Forum Weekly Challenge where you had to write a free verse poem about a "ma & pa" type establishment and what went on there.

    I messed up a bit. It was only supposed to be 24 lines long and I have 25. Also, you were supposed to include lots of people in the poem who were in the establishment and I only have the owner and Big Sam. Oh, well, I guess I have to learn to read directions before I go jumping in.
