21 June 2008

The Gray Wolf
by Helen George

The gray wolf is a sight you don't often behold,

He roams the wilderness, living wild and bold,
As an alpha male, he will dominate the pack,
Keep them always moving, following the tracks.

A magnificent specimen of the canine breed,
His long haired coat, which is splendid indeed,
May bear the markings of a Shepherd within,
While his face resembles his Malamute kin.

He mates for life and reproduces each spring,
The pups stay close, to their mother they cling,
Late in the summer they emerge from the den,
The pack is protective, their lives they defend.

A predator, the gray wolf's extinction seemed near,
But people intervened and over a course of years
A promising comeback was made - for today,
He's a wild creature whose freedom holds sway.

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