31 May 2008

My Sweet Baby Girl
by Helen George

My heart skips a beat as I gaze at your face,
So wistful and peaceful, while sleep doth embrace,
Soft curls on the pillow so dark and so sleek,
Pleasant dreams, I whisper as I kiss your sweet cheek.

Awake from your nap, you reach out for me,
I lift you up, hug you, and then set you free,
You go toddling about, playing with toys,
As I watch you contentedly, smiling in joy.

I'm captivated by your cute baby ways,
Will love you always, till the end of my days,
To have you in my life brings such a thrill,
My precious, my darling, my sweet baby girl.
Nature's Seasons
by Helen George

Spring enters gently, breathing new life,
Refreshing the soul, brushing out strife,
All the green buds take on a new sheen,
As after a rain, so crisp and so clean.

Summer is welcomed with open arms,
Filling the world with her flowery charms,
The outdoors is calling and we gather there,
As children's laughter floats in the air.

Autumn is decked out in colorful splendor,
Her brilliant hues she proudly does render,
She beckons to all, "Come, enjoy the view,
"Ere my leaves drop and I bid you adieu."

Winter arrives with a brisk chill in the air,
Bringing out mittens and scarves to wear,
Enchanted we are as the flakes start to flow,
Covering the world in a blanket of snow.
Afternoon Tea
by Helen George

I gazed out my window at the gray rainy day,
And I knew that today I'd stay inside to play,
So, I gathered my dolls around about me,
And invited them all to have afternoon tea.

In this chair I'll sit Rosie in her bright red dress,
Next will go Blondie, her curls combed afresh,
In this chair across we'll sit dear Miss Phoebe,
And last, but not least, is my sweet little DeeDee.

The table's adorned with a white lacy cloth,
And my blue china tea set has been set forth,
The tea is steeping, there's sugar and cream,
Enough different cookies for a little girl's dream.

The afternoon passes as we sip tea and chat,
Whispering about this and laughing at that,
"I'm glad you could join me," I say to each one,
In spite of the rain, it's been marvelous fun.

30 May 2008

Thoughts Of The Sea
by Helen George

As the sun in the sky rises high overhead,
I toss the seagulls crumbs of day old bread,
They swoop and grab while suspended in air,
Screeching and calling, demanding their share.

The sea water's warm as I wade ankle deep,
Bubbles of foam splash my legs as they sweep
Over the sand, leaving seashells behind,
Washing sandcastles away as they wind.

In the sand dunes, I stop, look out at the waves,
Swollen and rising, so somber and grave,
Heading for shore, where they crest and break,
Then ebbing, they leave a dark stain in their wake.

Sailboats on the horizon, drifting at ease,
White sails billowing in the gentle breeze,
The sea air invigorates, stand tall at the helm,
Embrace mother nature as you enter her realm.

29 May 2008

Your Name Is Mud
by Helen George

In a little town in Maryland a legend exists,
About a doctor's path that took a terrible twist,
When I hear people say, "Your name is mud,"
The doctor's story hits home with a thud.

Dr. Samuel Mudd is who that saying's about,
And what happened to him is sad, never doubt,
Found guilty of complicity in a murderous scheme,
He lost all respect, his good name not redeemed.

Dr. Mudd took no part in the murder of Lincoln,
Booth acted alone, and then jumped without thinking,
Though he broke his left leg he still rode thirty miles,
To seek the help of Dr. Mudd and to rest for awhile.

Dr. Mudd gave assistance, as a good doctor should,
Set the leg, provided crutches, did what he could,
He would live to regret his actions, for, in fact,
A whole country would blame him for this one selfless act.

Sentenced to life, although innocence he professed,
They said guilt by association is guilt nonetheless,
So, when "your name is mud" is used to defame,
They're enforcing the tale of a good doctor's shame.
So Proud That You're Mine
by Helen George

I never believed it could be like this,
That I'd feel such unbelievable bliss,
I'm lost when I gaze at your beautiful face,
And such love as I'm feeling cannot be erased.

I kiss you tenderly as I wrap you in my arms,
Enchanted, my darling, by your wonderful charm,
Is such happiness real, it's like a ray of sunshine,
I'm basking in love, so proud that you're mine.

It's heaven on earth, there is no other way
To express what I feel when I hold you today,
My heart is bursting, overflowing with joy,
Oh, the marvel, the wonder of my new baby boy.

28 May 2008

The Cat
by Helen George

If you've ever deigned to be owned by a cat,
You know the cat rules, there's no doubt about that,
He's pampered and spoiled, and thinks he's quite cool,
He knows how to play you, he's nobody's fool.

That comfortable chair where you wanted to rest,
Has been claimed by the cat as his own little nest,
And, at night when you're lying in bed really beat,
Watch out for the cat who'll attack your feet.

Just when you think you've found his favorite food,
He turns up his nose, in quite a finicky mood,
And when you call him, he's nowhere to be found,
Oblivious to the fact that you're searching around.

If and when you do find him, I think you'll agree,
The look on his face says "Were you looking for me?"
The old saying's so true, I can attest to that,
"You're nobody till you've been ignored by a cat."
My Patio Birds
by Helen George

On my patio fence, I hung a bird feeder,
Hoping to tempt birds, entice them to eat here,
And, lo and behold, a flock of sparrows appeared,
As I watched through the door and silently cheered.

Then the little gray squirrels the peanuts would chew,
And the bluejays, too, grabbed a peanut, then flew,
Occasionally, a robin was spotted walking around,
Looking for worms while pecking the ground.

This morning brought a pair of cardinals, bright red,
They pecked at the seed, but when startled, they fled,
On the ground, several mourning doves waddled around,
I'm entranced by their cooing, what a marvelous sound.

Then later, starlings arrived for the suet cakes,
Feet clinging to the cages, they peck, dropping flakes,
And three times I saw a very large black crow,
I'm staring in awe, can this really be so?

27 May 2008

The Soldier
by Helen George

I am a brave soldier, serving with pride,
Backing my country when two wills collide,
With honor I fight for democratic beliefs,
Restoring the peace, bringing relief.

I'm sometimes disparaged when things go wrong,
But I'm trusting in God to keep us strong,
Run tyranny out, bring freedom in its wake,
Make the world safe for everyone's sake.

I didn't ask for this fight, but I never would flee
When duty calls, and my country needs me,
Wearing this uniform, a symbol of might,
Standing tall and with dignity, basking in right.

I fight for the freedom of all, yes, it's true,
My compatriots, family, dissidents, too,
While you may not agree with chosen policy,
Don't denigrate those who keep you free.

The Bear
by Helen George

From my mountain cabin, I saw quite a sight,
As I rocked on my porch in the evening twilight,
Just plodding along, often sniffing the air,
Down aways in the wood was this awesome brown bear.

He pondered a while and pawed in the brush,
Searching for food, in no particular rush,
Then some berries he spied and began to eat,
As I smiled in delight at this very rare treat.

Bears are great fun to watch, as I did in this instance,
But I know they are wild, so I do keep my distance,
Bears may lumber along - I'm not fooled by their gait,
They run faster than me, I don't ever tempt fate!

26 May 2008

The Older Generation
by Helen George

First I was an infant with tiny wee feet,
Everyone loved me, said I was sweet,
Then I was a toddler, going on four,
A little terror but still loved, still adored.

Now I'm a graduate of elementary school,
And later a teenager, oh, my, I'm so "cool,"
Before I know it, I'm a college grad,
With the whole wondrous world mine to be had!

Then I'm married with kids of my own,
Not quite believing how quickly they've grown,
It seems like time is just passing me by,
I'm turning forty, dear me, how time flies!

Parents and grandparents all gone, passed away,
And I suddenly realize, with some dismay,
There's nobody left who's older than I,
I'm the "older generation," oh dear, oh my!

25 May 2008

Decisions, Decisions
by Helen George

The ice cream truck, a summer delight,
Brings a smile of joy, a face lit up bright.

Hurry mom, we don't want to be late,
On the corner we stand, can hardly wait.

Decisions, decisions, oh what shall it be?
So many choices I'm thinking with glee.

Chocolate, vanilla, or raspberry swirl?
Heavens to Betsy, my mind's in a whirl.

We stand in line, awaiting our turn,
And my mind, once again, tumbles and churns.

Now I think it's ok, I've decided, at last,
I know what I want, my mind's made up fast.

And I say to the man, "Strawberry, please,"
As mom gives my hand a gentle squeeze.
The Bald Eagle
by Helen George

Soaring above, on the currents he rides,
Watching for prey as he silently glides,
To watch him from yonder is such a delight,
As he cruises on high, resplendent in flight.

His beak is sharp, his eyesight keen,
With wings tilted down, he slowly careens,
Drifting aloft in an azure-blue sky,
In fluid motion, he passes on by.

A joy to behold whether flying or still,
A creature of God, his majesty thrills,
With freedom and joy may he always abide,
America's emblem of honor and pride.

Rolling Blue Hills
by Helen George

Traveling the highway, in the distance explode
The rolling blue hills of my childhood abode,
The hills are my strength, they're calling to me,
And I know that back home is where I need to be.

I'm yearning to traverse the hills once again,
Feel the sun on my back, lift my face to the wind,
Reminiscing in silence, as my mind wanders back,
To happier times when I walked the dirt tracks.

At the summit I stop, my heart swells in my chest,
As I calmly survey the distant valley at rest,
For endless miles such beauty abounds,
So quiet and peaceful - in awe I gaze down.

Yes, those splendid blue hills are calling my name,
Weaving their wonder, staking their claim,
I give in to their charm, and I know all is well,
I'm entranced by their beauty, caught in their spell.

24 May 2008

The Stag
by Helen George

At the top of the hill, he stands all alone
Majestic and regal, a king on his throne.

Surveying his realm, alert and aware,
His breath a wisp in the cool mountain air.

Nearby stands the doe that he's courted and won,
And there in the brush lies his new born son.

Someday, this little fawn will roam proud and free,
Like his father, the stag, he will aspire to be.

The Gift
by Helen George

I smile as I waken
And jump out of bed,
Today's the big day -
I'm moving ahead!

I'm no longer four,
Today I turn five,
I'm jumping for joy,
Glad I'm alive!

I've looked in the closet
And under the stair,
But, try as I might,
Can't find it anywhere!

The trash can held ribbon
All shiny and bright,
But, where did she put it?
Away? Out of sight?

Then suddenly mom
Appears like a wish,
And says, "Happy Birthday,
Are you looking for this?"
To Denise
by Helen George

You came like
a breath of fresh air
over a stagnant pond.
Alas, the toads
that lived in the pond
were too unimaginative
to capture your essence,
and allowed you
to float away.
Wild Horses
by Helen George

Out on the prairie the wild horses roam,
Majestic and gallant, so wondrously free,
Alert and aware, they paw the wild grass,
Awesome and gentle, a marvel to see.

Ears peaked, nostrils flared, a new scent in the air,
From out of nowhere a rogue does appear,
Silent and wary, the lead stallion takes care,
Snorting and rearing, can't let him get near.

The rogue is fearful, but he makes a stand,
The lead stallion chases, ready to fight,
He nips the hindquarters of the haughty upstart,
With bravado gone, the rogue takes flight.

The lead stallion triumphantly returns to his mares,
For now, at least, he remains the best,
But it's only a matter of time, this he knows,
Til his reign is usurped and he loses the quest.
A Misunderstanding
by Helen George

An aspiring rogue by the name of Henri
Thought he heard oui-oui from the lovely Mimi,
Non, non, mon ami,

Said the gorgeous Gigi,
Mimi is gone, she had to wee-wee.
by Helen George

When the going gets rough and it's time to let go,
I'll think of Montana - the land I love so;
I'll let my mind drift o'er the greatest of places -
Her majestic mountains and wide open spaces.

Then I'll hop on the back of my faithful steed
And happily go where he lovingly leads;
We'll race with the wind - o' sweet ecstasy,
Til at last I am home and my spirit is free.
by Helen George

I lay on my back and gazed at the sky,
Watching the clouds as they drifted by,
Content and happy, no cares have I,
Just passing the time as my thoughts go awry.

Looking for shapes as I did when a child,
Look, there's a pony running and wild,
And that's a pirate, with the ghost of a smile,
Now a tiny babe who might stay for awhile.

And, so, the time passes as I rest for a spell,
It's quiet and peaceful here in the dell,
Then, in the distance, I hear a church bell,
And I stir for I know I should no longer dwell.

Then I brush myself off as I rise from the ground,
And head for the path that leads back toward town,
My mind's refreshed, no need for a frown,
Just a smile and a wink, as I lumber on down.
The Tornado
by Helen George

Children are kilt by the swirley thing
That comes down from the sky,
When God's wrath is felt by all
And many souls must die.

You are but a child, my mother said,
God won't take you today,
She took my hand, to the shelter we ran,
And I heard my mother pray.

Soon her prayers were answered
For the howling winds took rest,
Mother cried and said we are safe
As I gratefully clung to her breast.
Golden Oldies
by Helen George

There'll be a whole lotta shakin' goin' on tonight,
And it's sure to bring a nostalgic delight,
You won't see line dancing, nor any swing,
We're goin' back to the time when Elvis was King!

Don that white sport coat and those blue suede shoes,
Don't be left home singin' the blues,
We'll rock around the clock at Palisades Park,
As a blue moon shines in a sky that's dark.

To "Love Me Tender" we'll dreamily sway,
And, on a sea of love, we'll drift away,
So, wake up little Susie, you're at the hop,
To Golden Oldies we'll dance 'til we drop!

The Flag
by Helen George

The sun is shining, a soft breeze blows,
I wave serene o'er the rooftops below
As I'm hoisted aloft, proud and tall,
Endearingly loved and treasured by all.

Sometimes I am honored to serve as a shroud,
Covering the casket of one who died proud,
First respectfully folded and gently, then,
I'm passed to the grieving widow, his kin.

Today, I am part of a glorious parade,
Held aloft by a veteran, grandly displayed,
I'm as proud to be held by one who fought for this land
As I am to be waved from that little boy's hand.

I'm representative of a great country's dream,
Held in the highest degree of esteem,
Whether in sadness or joy I abide,
It's always with dignity, always with pride.
